Friday, 29 October 2010

more autumnal

been too busy to get up the woods most of this week, but had a few hours spare on thursday afternoon so popped up with the dogs and worked on a few of the has been hard work, but they are coming together.if it doesn't rain i reckon it'll be rideable this weekend.fingers crossed.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

see below

on fire

See ya'll in a couple of weeks :)

Sunday, 24 October 2010

bob maximum boost

bit of a lucky autumnal ride today.
i honestly have no idea how bob goes so high off that little lip.rad as.
kag took a photo of the table on the left at the same time but from a different angle that looked sick.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

arroyo tribute line?

me and kag have spent the last 2 days dealing with the heavy clay and making this look alot less like it was just knocked up by a machine and then ridden. in my opinion none of it ever got finished...and if i'm honest i was hoping someone other than me and kag was going to take some responsibility for it.
it still needs work but has got some real shape to the bowl now,when before it was just a landing and a lip with a horrible flat bit in-between that seemingly had nothing to do with each other!!!
when we first started this line it was meant to be a bit like the line at arroyo.seems fitting to try and do this now that line has gone?
we are lucky to have these amazing woods where we can build and ride in peace.with effort anything we can possibly dream about can be built here.
don't take it for granted.

bye-bye arroyo trails

sad news about the arroyo trails getting built on...well bum : ( full story click on here.
locals must be gutted.hopefully the other trails close-by will end up filling the space of loosing this somewhat?
rad video of ruben doing crazy transfers at arroyo click on here.

yeagle's trails

Compression loves HazelWood Trails from JeremyMuller on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Trails Pirates

Quote from Deluxe BMX
"There’s more to riding trails than simply showing up, riding, and then buggering off home again. Gotta help keep them sets running smoothly…"

Oakley Trails Champs

The Mpora player sucks, but the content is good....
I went to have a look round Epsom on Monday while I was in London, lost for words really, some people sure know how to get a dig on, respect

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Plans For New Park Benalmadena...

Here is the skatepark plans for where the trails are in Benalmadena. The locals did mention that there were plans to plough the trails and build a new park in its place. I think I would prefer the trails personally. Will be a shame to see them gone :( need to ride them one last time before this gets started.

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Saturday, 16 October 2010


spent the afternoon brushing up leaves,watering and then dusted some fresh on.jumps should ride tomorrow.get it why you can?!!

check the state of fleurs paws and ears in the second photo!!!

Monday, 11 October 2010

Friday, 8 October 2010

Delayed pics

I actually thought these photos had gone for good, as I took them on my housemates Minolta DSLR. Not only does he scrub the memory cards regularly because of using them for work, but he wiped his PC hard drive the other week, but somehow he still had them....cheers P :)

Yess Bob!





Yess Oz dude - this fella was seriously roasting the place with ease


More random shots of pet shop boys fans and unknown clunge somewhere on flickr 8}(


got the pump thing...dunno really,got it working but seemed a bit rubbish.drill was going abit flat though and is only a rubbish one anyway.might work better with a good drill if anyone's got one?its meant to be able to pump 1000litres an hour.anyway will bring it up the wood to try as soon as i get over the bird flu.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

White clay brown clay

is very different in many ways

Ghost J

Cee J ghosting on a mid-late September Wednesday :)

Saturday, 2 October 2010

before and afters

picture on the left sums up today for me...yellow bucket got a work out.worse flooding yet for sure.kag went for gold on the new hip line landing.