Saturday, 30 July 2011

classic trails boss dominator legends

I watched Standard Domination to near Death many years ago, largely due to these dudes


= smoooooth....

Thursday, 28 July 2011

The Dugan

A 'welcome to the team' vid from Fit has just hit the web of mr Dang Dang himself, thought I should share.

Monday, 25 July 2011


clip from the below mentioned Sunday with the above date


saw 7 of the original crew at ALV, plus others along with some visitors from the Shrews. Hopefully a good day was had by all :D

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Friday, 22 July 2011

Thursday, 21 July 2011

July hard labour

the mix of dry weather and some of the fabulous wet stuff over the last week or so has been most pleasing to me as I've been well in the mood for some digging...was so knackered after the last week I was going to have yesterday off, until I heard two good fellows were having time out from the day-job and were up for some more digging...

Trails are riding again now after a few days off being too wet so I might just have to go for a roll today...and probably some more work to boot

Water is getting low though....will be in need for some at the weekend me thinks

Sunday, 17 July 2011

weekend digs...

pretty wet...good for digging,well was for me and kag! filled and reshaped rollers, kag stacked new landing out of 6th lip, i widened landing 5th landing some more. re-surfaced a couple of other lips. burnt stuff. am knacked.


tech french trails...

tech and scary hazelwood trails in u.s...

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Boyd week @ Deluxe

Over on Deluxe BMX Boyd week has nearly come to an end following his adoption into the Deluxe team. Probably every minute of every day there are Deluxe riders / supporters from all over the world keeping trails alive... :D


lunch was a

Friday was also pretty dry and running out of water so I'm glad the rains have come today. Had a little ride with J and Steveo, good to see J having a wee chilled roll out, you'll be back up to full steam before you know it son!

Ya'll probably going to think I'm a nagging old woman but I'm going to have to pass on my experience on the preventative maintenance of watering jumps to all woods users


Thursday, 14 July 2011


or no filler????


All you need to do, is put in the comments, what the significance of this picture of the day, from today is....???

1st Prize - A day digging with me!!

Get your answers in good fellows ;)

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Tuesday trains, spins and wins (and sprains)


Jones and Fleur...

What the digger left me with!

Sunday, 10 July 2011

the last 2 are 2 to remember

It has been great to see lots of good folk at the woods over the last 2 weeks. It almost seems unreal to me, but I guess this is what I used to dream summers should be like, digging, dialing, riding and chilling, everyday :)

More pictures

from Chris Radford

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Friday, 8 July 2011

wet fire

had a massive fire and have resurfaced most of the landings now. way too wet to think of riding and cant see it drying out enough for tomorrow either, but you never know. just as well we got the digger in i reckon, may as-well get some stuff built whilst we can't ride? have some beers, get the bbq rocking and get our dig-on?!!! : )

a picture for me, and you

Yes, pursuant to Chris's visit....some rad pics are coming through...

Kag & J train

comparison pic

you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky?

Well, do ya, punk?

thanks for alv

I had a couple of hours stretching my shovel and rake today, but more keeping warm for another good session tomorrow really, you know, keeping my hand in, as they say....can't have too many days off!!

So, no pics from me today but I did find these beauties and pinched them from someone's Facebook wall.
All I can say is there are endless reasons, quite a few in respect of the below place, that I thank the universe for alv.

Thursday, 7 July 2011


wet(ish) woods. had a fire and repaired loads of stuff. weather looks sketchy for the next few days.