Wednesday, 29 October 2014


a thousandth post on this blog!!! i'm not sure how many visit here but i hope people enjoy seeing how the trails have developed right from day one, and i'm glad i've made the effort to keep posting a diary of the life of our woods...

mid august...

start of august...

fast asleep in the last of the days light...


Friday, 17 October 2014


sophie had some pups yesterday, after having 7 last time she has only had 2 this time, a boy and then a surprise girl some hours later! all are doing good and it won't be long until she is back in thee woods impersonating horrors from the unknown depths, maybe with offspring in tow? ;)

Wednesday, 8 October 2014


robbo at villij, what more do you need?

Sunday, 5 October 2014

yyyyyeeessssssssssssss bob...

has been a good summer up our woods, am proud of the hard work a few of us have put in up there the last 4 years, and i'm proud of bob who is a good kid who always rides with a smile and a boost that's bigger than anyone else's. check out my pup barney being a naughty scamp beast towards the end too...