Tuesday, 6 November 2012


well, it's been a good while since i did an update, so i made up for it with this mega photo dump. apart from me and kag and a few hours from danny, chris and mitch...no one else has even been up the woods since the last time they rode...which is two months ago now. really, you guys are slack as fuck!!!?x the weather has mostly been pretty beautiful really, just too wet to ride and a few drenched digging sessions spread in there too. it got frustratingly close to being dry enough a few weekends ago, and me and kag raked all the leaves up...just for it to rain again. so plenty of drain mods and work on dannys tech line and plenty of other stuff being going on. bonfire bangers got ate and the new dog settled in well, but she will be going again for 2 months whilst she has some pups. i am hoping we will still get to ride the woods at least once before winter, but it's looking less and less likely as time goes on... what can you do other than dig stuff ready for next year??? love the woods!

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